Our Programs
TRAX Equestrian Center is a year round facility offering a unique horse back riding program that coordinates physical and emotional therapy into a one-of-a-kind experience.
The program is overseen by a licensed speech pathologist and occupational therapist. The goals of the program are to achieve increased balance, and control, and improved language and socialization skill while enhancing self esteem. The therapist designs each participants lesson plan based on individual needs. The rhythmic movement of the horse gently moves the rider’s body forward and back, side to side and up and down. The rider learns to balance and uses core muscle groups without even trying. Riding challenge and impacts the entire body, working every muscle group, oxygenating the blood and stimulating the nervous system in a healthy way.

The program offers weekly one hour or thirty minutes sessions. The session can include up to 45 minutes of riding under the supervision of a trained riding instructor as well as up to three volunteers who lead the horse and help support the rider. Participants are encouraged to interact with the horses by learning to care for them. Just being around the horses has a calming effect on most people, improving physical and mental organization. During the riding session, activities are used that focus on developing motor skills, dynamic movement and facilitating speech and language. The excitement of mastering new skills, caring for the horse and social interaction with other riders, volunteers and staff are all vital components in the success of the participants in the TRAX Program.

Participants must be a minimum of 4 years old and have clearance from a medical doctor. The first step to entering the program is to read and complete our “application packet”.
Application Packet
Insurance Requirements
Before your first session please complete and return the below releases.
Equine Assisted Growth and
Development Liability Release Agreement
Equine Riding Liability Release Agreement
Sandra Ayon
My name is Sandra Ayon and I have been blessed with a child with special needs. Medical professionals called my Gabriel, a “Healthy Baby Boy” after his birth. However, I always know there was something wrong. Gabriel never met his milestones and was considered a late bloomer. There was always some type of delay with him, whether it was physical, emotional, or mental. Gabriel has been diagnosed with several disabilities, such as Cerebral Palsy, Ataxia, Developmental Delay, Speech Delay, Intellectual Disability, ADHD, and more. Due to Gabriel’s primary diagnosis Gabriel’s muscles are weak, which makes it extremely difficult for him to walk, talk, and cognitively express his needs. Since he can’t express himself has extremely challenging behaviors. Gabriel uses a walker and braces for his legs in order to assist him with balance.
When I had first heard about Hippo therapy, I had found it emotionally and financially difficult to support Gabriel. Then God placed the right people in our lives. For example, Aurelia, a sister-in-law that my husband and I had just met had insisted in starting a fundraiser to raise funds for Gabriel’s cause. Gabriel starting attending weekly therapy and family started seeing progress him. In fact, a medical doctor from Shiner’s Hospital asked, “What has changed since I last saw him?” She noticed changes with Gabriel core strength within six months. Gabriel was growing stronger and physically able to keep himself up on his horse during session with side walker’s support (volunteers). After months of therapy Gabriel suddenly had stopped losing his balance as often.
Trax Equestrian Center has been a huge blessing to our family. God placed sponsors in our path (whom we are extremely thankful for) to support Gabriel for the sessions that his parents were unable to provide from time to time because this therapy is expensive and not cover by insurance. Gabriel has been growing confidence within himself and verbal tell is horse to “go.” Not only has Trax has been helpful to my son but also demonstrated their passion in assisting people with disabilities. Trax has also taught me to continue to walk in darkness and soon there will be light at the other end of the tunnel. Trax has shown me love and kindness year around, the true Christmas miracle.
Jane Rogatina
Great people and great horses! I highly recommend TRAX Equestrian center. Everyone there is very dedicated. Both of my sons, have lessons there once a week, and they have learned so much, like horsemanship skills, fitness, independence , self-confidence and smiles.
I arrived into this world with a love for horses, and after retirement, discovered TRAX—a place where I could offer my services and at the same time interact, participate and learn everything I’ve wanted to know about horses and never knew. Working with Karren and Kathy, as well as all the beautiful horses, has not only been a privilege and a pleasure, but has become a meaningful part of my life. There, I’ve had the opportunity to meet, exchange and engage with people from all walks of life, each offering unique and valuable perspectives on their own ways of communicating with the horses, as well as with the fortunate children who benefit so greatly from their classes. I’m amazed at the positive effects I’ve seen on the children, as I’ve watched them progress and come alive so beautifully by their interactions with the horses, as well as with the excellent instructors at TRAX. I highly recommend this well-run organization to both those looking to volunteer, and those seeking to engage their children in a meaningful way.
Morgan Yonis
TRAX Equestrian Therapy center is a safe environment, a loving second home and an encouragement to learn. It help’s student’s break down their barriers of fear and makes them more confident in themselves and their abilities. Kid’s are more able to feel free and and have only improved from what I have seen. I enjoy watching students become relaxed and improve drastically in each lesson.
I have been welcomed into this family with more love and support than ever. I can’t describe my admiration and appreciation for what Karren and Kathy do for their students, the horses, and for their volunteers. I am truly proud to be part of an organization such as TRAX. I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else, it’s my home away from home! Thank you TRAX for doing what you do! Never stop!
TRAX is my guilty pleasure. I began volunteering here two and a half years ago for what I imagined would be my post retirement contribution to the community. But the rewards I get from volunteering at TRAX are so abundant. I almost feel guilty. Walking and jogging beside horses is my cardio, mucking stalls and grooming theses wonderful creatures is meditation. Learning something new each week (I knew nothing about horses when I stared) is brain food, and working among these good-hearted people is fellowship. The very best rewards is the joy of helping children and adults overcome their fears, tone their muscles, and surprise themselves at their own accomplishments. Guilty pleasures.